Monday, January 18, 2010

For Gods Sake... Play the Ball

Just a quick note ...Dad, I & ALL the other gods throughout time have played no favourites in any conflict e.g. When the Romans raised Jerusalem in 70 CE... nothing! The Crusaders, Saladin, Joan of Arc, St Augustine, the Conquistadors... they all got NOTHING. The Western Front, Manchuria, Tibet etc, etc, etc = nothing. These and many, many other conflicts are all dumb, dumb, dumb human problems that need to be solved by humans!

So to all the footballers who are praying on the field. PLEASE JUST STOP IT!!!

Feel free to act out your homoerotic fantasies in front of the masses but please don't involve any deities. None of us care if you can get a piece of animal carcass across a white line but occassionally we all like to have a bet on a game knowing no god is allowed to intercede.

Just saying!